Vegan Houseplants
Growing vital and beautiful houseplants with plant-based fertilizer
by Dr. Silke Will
Veganic growing is the most innovative and modern way of growing plants.
Organic growing products are widely used in conventional and organic gardening. They are easy and cheap to get, since the meat industry is constantly discarding animal byproducts such as manure, dried blood, bone meal, ground up feathers or byproducts from the fishing industry.
The vegetarian and vegan movement gained a lot of popularity in the last centuries. The concepts are well recognized worldwide. Slowly but consistently they adapt into all areas of life also in innovative concepts of nurturing plants.
Houseplants – health benefits in many ways
Houseplants bring color and life to our homes. They help us to erase the stress of everyday life. It is amazing to see the creativity of people in decorating their homes with plants. At the beginning of the 20th century, the UN (United Nation) pointed out that indoor air pollution is one of the greatest health risks of our time. In developed countries, people spend 80-90% of their time indoors. Houseplants have shown to be an effective air purifier. It is not the plant species that matters, but the total leaf area available for absorbing air pollutants. The leaves have tiny stomata that regulate air exchange. Outdoor air flows into the stomata to provide CO2 for photosynthesis. Air pollutants enter the stomata and are fixed in the plants. Herbaceous leaves have significantly more stomata than thick, waxy leaves.
There are 2 houseplants that are particularly effective in reducing indoor air pollutants:
In principle, all plants can be grown in pots inside the house if they are properly cared for. Not only the irrigation and fertilization are decisive, but also the light conditions, humidity and temperature. Humidity is a crucial factor that is often underestimated. Most plants prefer a humidity of 60-80%. Whereas humans find a humidity level of 40-60% to be optimal. There are quite a lot of plant species that can adapt quite well in our homes, some are found in almost every household, such as Ficus Benjamini, Monstera, Orchids, Yucca palms.
Tips for nurturing your houseplants
Potting soil:
Plant roots need air, nutrients and water to grow and feed the leaves and shoots. The potting soil must be porous enough to allow excess water to drain and retain soil air to provide the roots with the oxygen they need. If the soil is too compacted you need to repot the plant. The potting soil can be mixed with expanded clay or perlite to prevent compaction.
Proper Watering:
Overwatering of houseplants is one of the main reasons for unhealthy houseplants. Plants with roots in shallow containers may need daily watering, while plants in large containers need monthly watering. Succulents like aloe and jade plants require less water than plants like african violets and ferns. Proper watering keeps the soil moist enough to meet the needs of the plants without drowning the roots. Soil that is too wet over a long time promotes root rot and the colonization of fungus gnats.
Watering according to the Finger-Dip-Test:
Seasonal challenges:
Winter is the hardest time for houseplants. Low light conditions, short days, warm and dry air and overwatered pots. During this time of year you should pay attention to watering to avoid soaked soil over a longer period. Support your plants with a little grow light and regularly misting.
The best time for houseplants. The better growing conditions will revitalize the plants and initiate the growing season. This time of year your plants need some fertilization and cleaning. Just like cleaning the windows in spring, your plants deserve a shower to rinse off dust particles on the leaves. You can also wipe the dust off.
Summer is the main growing season and plants have to deal with heat, dryness and pests. The infestation of most pests can be avoided by checking your plants weekly. In case you discover aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, mites, thrips and whiteflies you should immediately spray or wash your plants with warm, soapy water.
Preparation of the soapy water (information refers to 1.3 Gal / 5l):
– 2 teaspoons of mild dish detergent
– ½ teaspoon of Florasoul Plant Booster
– Optionally, 4-6 drops of peppermint essential oil, which acts like a natural insecticide
Time for recovery. The light conditions and temperatures are decreasing and the plants slow down. It is time to support the re-vitalizing of the soil and plants. All the watering and drying out of the soil might have led to compaction of the soil. Vegan long-term fertilizers that add a lot of organic matter to the soil are optimal in autumn. Our Florasoul long-term fertilizer would be ideal, but it can bother some people in the first few days due to the typical smell of natural material.
How to apply Florasoul Plant Booster for Houseplants
Preparation of the liquid fertilizer:
The flakes are 100% water soluble and can be sprinkled directly into the watering can or in the water reservoir if you use automatic watering.
We recommend the following mixture for soil fertilization as well as foliar fertilization:
1 gal of water: ¾ tsp SEAWEED flakes / 1 teaspoon SEAWEED flakes per 5l of water
3 gal of water: ¼ tbsp SEAWEED flakes / 1 tablespoon SEAWEED flakes per 10l of water
Tips for foliar fertilization:
Foliar fertilization is often underestimated, although it is quite effective. Foliar fertilization is particularly suitable during the flowering and fruiting phase. During this time, the root activity of the plants decreases and nutrients are increasingly distributed within the plant. Some nutrients are firmly bound in the plant structures and cannot be transferred to the flowers and fruits. Foliar fertilization during the flowering and fruiting phase promotes the formation of healthy and magnificent fruit, full of color and flavor. Our Plant Booster also acts like a natural protective shield on the leaves of the plants. This increases resistance to diseases and pests.
The Florasoul Plant Booster colors the water dark brown. When used indoors, the plants should be sprayed in the shower or on the balcony/garden to avoid possible discoloration on bright fabrics. Stains on the leaves can be wiped off if necessary.
Tab.1: Feeding chart for the application of Florasoul Plant Booster for Houseplants as liquid fertilizer or Foliar spray
Liquid Application
Foliar Spray
Every 4 weeks
Once in January
Supports soil regeneration and resistance towards pests
Every 3-4 weeks
Every 4 weeks
Supports the revitalization and growth after the winter months
Every 2 weeks
Every 3-4 weeks and during pest infestation
Supports growth, flowering and resilience
Every 3-4 weeks
Every 4 weeks
Supports strengthening of the plants and soil after stressing summer months