Self-sufficiency with vegan vegetables and fruits from your home garden:
Vegan Plant Food

by Dr. Silke Will

Veganic growing is the most innovative and modern way of growing plants

Organic growing products are widely used in conventional and organic gardening. They are easy and cheap to get, since the meat industry is constantly discarding animal byproducts such as manure, dried blood, bone meal, ground up feathers or byproducts from the fishing industry. 
The vegetarian and vegan movement gained a lot of popularity in the last centuries. The concepts are well recognized worldwide. Slowly but consistently they adapt into all areas of life also in innovative concepts of nurturing plants.

  “Nutrition is the basis of health”

This ancient Asian wisdom has been picked up by many philosophers and is driving the self-sufficiency movement. It is the need to know what we are consuming. It doesn’t always have to be healthy, but we want to make the decision ourselves.
Even many of us do not have enough space for complete self-sufficiency, a sunny window or balcony is enough to support the menu from your own harvest. You just have to choose the right plant species and take good care of them.

Plant selection tips:
Space requirements
Full sun

Small: smaller pots and window boxes possible

Bell Pepper, chilli, beans, peas, nasturtium, strawberry

Radishes, lettuce, spinach, herbs

Large: larger pots or garden

Tomato, cucumber, eggplant, pumpkin, melon, okra, raspberry

Carrot, broccoli, cabbage, chard, gooseberry, currant

Planting tips:
Plant species

March – sowing

Radishes, lettuce, spinach, chard, parsley

April – sowing

Peas, potatoes and nasturtium

Mid May – plant out

Tomato, cucumber, zucchini

July – sowing for autumn harvest

Beets, fennel, radishes, chard and salads

September – last sowing

Lamb’s lettuce, spinach, chard and parsley

Application recommendation of Florasoul Plant Booster

Florasoul Plant Booster is a 100% natural plant extract derived from seaweed. The outstanding effect can be attributed to the many valuable ingredients. The ingredients nourish the plants and support natural processes in plants and soil. The result is lush growth, abundant flowering, tasty herbs and fruits. The pure use of plant-based raw materials makes the Booster an effective and absolutely environmentally friendly product. Dogs, cats and children can even play in the areas immediately after application.
The right care for the plants in the garden or balcony is a combination of various factors, such as

properties of the soil
soil moisture
plant type
weather conditions
nutrient availability

Our recommendations are guidelines to get you started. Plants in a balcony box have different needs than those in the kitchen window. The advantage of plant-based fertilizers is that there is no over-fertilization. Oversupply of the Booster shows the same effect as plants without Florasoul treatment, less growth.

Florasoul Plant Booster All Purpose Seaweed Flakes for liquid fertilization

Preparation of the liquid fertilizer:

The flakes are 100% water soluble and can be sprinkled directly into the watering can or in the water reservoir if you use automatic watering.
We recommend the following mixture for soil fertilization as well as foliar fertilization:
1 gal of water: ¾ tsp SEAWEED flakes / 1 teaspoon SEAWEED flakes per 5l of water
3 gal of water: ¼ tbsp SEAWEED flakes / 1 tablespoon SEAWEED flakes per 10l of water

Alternative options for soil fertilization of larger areas:

The recommended mixing ratio of fertilizer and water indicates the optimal ratio. With larger gardens and fruit trees, there are alternative ways to avoid spending hours walking through the garden with watering cans.

Alternative 1: This variant uses large areas, hedges, fruit trees and berry bushes (raspberries, gooseberries, currants). The flakes are sprinkled directly on the ground and then sufficiently watered with the garden hose. The soil should be well soaked.
Alternative 2: You create a highly concentrated solution in a watering can of about 4 tablespoons per 3Gal and distribute the almost black liquid in the garden. After that, take a garden hose and soak the soil with water, so that the fertilizer is distributed well into deeper layers. Large and deep-rooted plants get a little more of the concentration fertilizer liquid and small plants accordingly less. 
Tips for foliar fertilization:

Foliar fertilization is often underestimated, although it is quite effective. Foliar fertilization is particularly suitable during the flowering and fruiting phase. During this time, the root activity of the plants decreases and nutrients are increasingly distributed within the plant. Some nutrients are firmly bound in the plant structures and cannot be transferred to the flowers and fruits. Foliar fertilization during the flowering and fruiting phase promotes the formation of healthy and magnificent fruit, full of color and flavor. Our Plant Booster also acts like a natural protective shield on the leaves of the plants. This increases resistance to diseases and pests.

Florasoul Plant Booster All Purpose Seaweed Pearls (slow release)

In contrast to the liquid fertilizer, the long-term fertilizer works over a period of up to 3 months. It creates the basis for healthy plants, lush growth and tasty plants and fruits. The high proportion of organic matter is excellent for maintaining soil fertility. The Pearls are full of valuable ingredients that are released with every watering and rain. 
The Pearls can be applied directly with seeds or seedlings without damaging roots and leaves. 
Effect on soil fertility:

Promotion of water holding capacity, beneficial microorganisms, nutrient availability
Prevents soil compaction, growth of soil-borne pathogens and pests and binds pesticide residues and heavy metals 
Table 1: Recommendations for use of the liquid solution made with Florasoul Plant Booster All Purpose Seaweed Flakes
Plant type
Soil application
Foliar spray

All crops

Boost root/plant growth, increase resistance to pests, diseases and stress

Once a month from seedling until end of growing season

2-3 times from beginning of blossoms to fruit set

Almonds, stone fruits

Boost vitality flowering and yield

Once a month during growing season

– First time: pink bud stage
– Second time: petal fall

Apple trees

Boost vitality flowering and fruit set

Once a month during growing season 

– First time: green tip bud stage
– Second time: full bloom
– Third time: petal fall
– Fourth time: hazelnut fruit size


Boost vitality, flowering and fruit set

Once a month during growing season 

– First time: bud formation
– Second time: full bloom   
– Third time: olive size fruits


Boost vitality, flowering and fruit set

Once a month during growing season 

– First time: young shoot
– Second time: bud stage   
– Third time: petal fall


Boost root growth, increase resistance to pest, diseases and stress

Once a month during growing season 

Application during stress periods (dry or hot weather) every two weeks


Boost flower quality and fruit set

Every 2-4 weeks after flowering

– First time: Enlargement of the inflorescences
– Second time: repeat after two
– Third time: end of flowering


Boost root growth, shoot growth and vitality

Application at seeding, planting

Every 2-4 weeks during growth

Tomatoes, cucumbers

Boost vitality, growth, flowering and fruit set

During seeding, transplanting

Every 2-4 weeks during growing season

Melons, pumpkins

Boost vitality, growth, flowering and fruit set

During seeding, transplanting

Every 2-4 weeks from the beginning of flowering to young fruits set


Boost vitality, leaf quality, tuber size and skin quality

Once a months during growing season, when plants reach 15-20cm height

Strawberries, raspberries

Boost vitality, flower and fruit quality

Every 2 weeks from planting to harvest

Every two weeks from beginning of flowering to harvest

Herbs, spices

Vitality, leaf quality, flowering quality, fruit set

Every 2 weeks from planting to harvest

Once a months when sufficient leaf mass has developed

Table 2: Recommended use of Florasoul Plant Booster All Purpose Seaweed Pearls with long-term effect
Application Seaweed Pearls

Established fruit trees

– Apply 3-6lbs / 2-3kg around each tree at the beginning of growing season
– Water well
– Repeat every 3 months
– Last application after harvest

New plantings of fruit trees

– Apply 4-6lbs / 2-3kg into planting whole
– Plant tree and water well


– Apply 1oz / 30g during planting in the planting whole
– Water well
– Apply 1oz / 30g per plant when first flowers emerge
– Repeat every 14 days until the end of season

Raspberries, black berries, gooseberries

– Apply 18oz per 10ft² / 500g per m² at the beginning of growing season
– Water well
– Repeat every 30 days until end of growing season

Vegetable garden beds (herbs, spices, scented/edible flowers)

– Apply 18oz per 10ft² / 500g per m² of your vegetable bed
– Mix with the soil in the depth of 2-4 inch / 5-10 cm
– Water well
– Apply seeds or seedlings directly or within 7 days
– Apply 3.5oz / 100g of seaweed pearls every 30 days until end of harvest

Vegetable seedlings (tomato, cucumber, zucchini, pumpkins)

– Apply 1oz / 30g (one hand full) of seaweed pearls into the planting whole
– Add the seedling and water
– Repeat every 30 days until end of harvest

Discover the best care for your plants!